We are pleased to announce VECHO as the first PET Acoustic Material to achieve 60% Local Content (TKDN) in Indonesia.

  Consumers today are more informed and conscientious than ever, seeking products that align with their values of sustainability, quality, and social responsibility. Choosing VECHO offers numerous advantages that resonate with these consumer values: Eco-Friendly Materials: VECHO’s use of recycled PET from discarded plastic bottles addresses the critical issue of plastic waste. By choosing VECHO, […]


Echoes of Sustainability: Vecho’s Eco-Friendly for Ramadan

  In today’s world, environmental consciousness is not just a trend but a crucial aspect of responsible living. As we celebrate the spirit of togetherness and cleanliness during Ramadan and Ied al-Fitr, it’s essential to extend this ethos beyond festivities. At HighPoint, we integrate environmental awareness into our acoustic panels : Vecho.   As we […]


#OneLessWorry, An Experience Everyone Should Have

  Everyone has experienced having a doubt, question, or being unsure of something’s goodness or veracity. Questioning is a usual aspect of human daily existence. On a daily basis, you might think more than twice about buying something, especially online shopping. In order to determine whether something is worth, you need to verify it with […]


[HiPOD] Need Privacy Solution For Hybrid Working Trend?

While we will be back to work, school, or social activities in an open plan space, here are key facts to anticipate: √ It takes 20 minutes to regain your focus after a small distraction (Study fromUniversity of California) √ Over 50% of people have a hard time concentrating in open-plan spaces (Study from University of […]

HPC Open on Saturday


HighPoint Support Letter Request Requirements

Below are the requirements for a request for a tender support letter to HighPoint: A letter of commitment to purchase the HighPoint goods to be sent in original to the HighPoint office address on Jln. Danmogot km. 12 No. 55 Cengkareng Timur, West Jakarta 11730, to obtain an Original Letter of Support from HighPoint if […]

SCRIIN Decorative Hanging Divider

SCRIIN DECORATIVE HANGING DIVIDER Introducing SCRIIN, the latest innovation from HighPoint Acoustic, hanging divider solutions with decorative designs using Vecho acoustic panel for acoustic comfort and privacy. Scriin comes with its own practical fixing system for simple and seamless installation. Made using Vecho, a lightweight polyethylene terephthalate (PET) polyester panel that absorbs sound and promotes speech clarity by reducing reverberation and control […]

UPELLA SERIES – Sleek And Modern Trash Bin Easily Fits To Any Spaces

Big ergonomic pedal for easy operation Stainless steel, laminated with Color Coating and finished with Fingerprint Resistant Coating Mechanical Soft Close, maintaining quietness in Meeting Room, Bedroom, and even Library. Removable inner bin for easy cleaning AVAILABLE IN SILVER AND GOLD COLOR, ALONG WITH 2 SIZES 5L AND 12L CHECK OUR SHOP NOW


STORIO is storage that can meet to any individual needs with various configurations, sizes and colors, make STORIO can fit into any workspace. JOIN OUR GIVEAWAY TO GET CHANCE A MAKEOVER FOR YOUR STORAGE AREA HIGHPOINT GIVEAWAY 1.FOLLOW @HIGHPOINT_OFFICE 2.TAG 3 FRIENDS IN YOUR POST 3.SHARE A PHOTOGRAPH OF YOUR STORAGE CONDITION, TELL US WHY YOU […]